The Zoetrope.

A Zoetrope is an optical illusion, done through a piece of paper, formed into a cylinder, with multiple slits in the top, containing a film of images at the bottom. By spinning it the images come together into an animation.To make your own Zoetrope you need; paper, folded into a cylinder, unless you have a cylinder like object already like a biscuit tin, or empty can.Get your cylinder and cut multiple small slits in the top. Now get a stand that spins and attach that to the bottom of the cylinder that doesn't have the slits. Finally put a film of pictures at the bottom.
A disadvantage is the film has only so many uses before it gets boring. However this an advantage as you can make more or change the film, or draw your own films. Between 1833-1834 the standard zoetrope was created by a British mathematician named William George Horner. He called his invention the "Daedaleum". However its was not until the 1860's where the device become a sensation, as American and British folk began painting the film strips for the Daedaleum. William F. Lincoln an American inventor named his version the "Zoetrope", which meant wheel of life.
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